The first time your fingers interlaced with mine I held my breath
And then talked really fast
Because, that is what I do
When your big fingers held that small ring in front of my face
I laughed
Because, that is what I do
I fell in love with you, all of you
But maybe your hands first
Those long fingers were strong but soft
They enveloped my hand and felt secure and safe
Warm but never sweaty
After all, that is a bit gross and not what you do
When I was in labor you caressed my face and said it would be okay
Because, that is what you do
You held Josiah and your large hands wrapped around him
Engulfing his tiny body
And shaked with love
Maybe a bit of fright
You made him feel safe, secure, and loved
Because, that is what you do
Now I watch him with you and your daddy hands constantly mean more
They mean playful tickles
Big laughs
They mean night time snuggles
Back scratches before bed
They mean firm pats
Relieving those painful burps
They mean safety and trust
Always catching
Always holding
Always protecting
Always loving
Happy First Fathers Day Adam
Josiah loves you just like I do!!