Howdy All!
I'm pretty sure nobody checks our blog anymore. I'm pretty sure I can't blame you as obviously I haven't been checking it myself or updating it or even thinking about it. Actually I do THINK about updating it and that is as far as I have gotten. I have to say most of the reasons are because as much as I do love having written memories and sharing with friends and family, Josiah's one nap a day can only hold so many activities for mommy and blogging has fallen to the end of the list...or second to the end as painting the baseboards still remains dead last and unfinished!
One issue was that we were using a very old lap top that took about 24 hours to load anything. We now have a new, shiny computer that is much quicker and I am hoping with this I can be better about posting. It would be hard to be any worse so I don't have that much to live up to:)
I can't make any blogging promises for surely I will break them. When I make promises blogging becomes a burden and I feel stressed to keep up. I even thought about just ending the blog forever but I really want to share our lives with those that live far away. So here is to blogging more often and taking baby steps and we will see....
Being that a lot has happened since the last post in May, I get all overwhelmed trying to do a proper update. Instead, I shall start with a recent even, my birthday! I turned the big 26! Adam planned a wonderfully relaxing day which included sleeping in, coffee, time at a spa, and a fun dinner date to end the evening. He is so good about getting excited about my birthday! Thank you baby!
He also made
this video in order to keep his birthday video tradition. Josiah just loves it and watches it over and over again!
Long story computer...more pictures...more blogging...I'm back! :-)