Today is a very special fathers day. I have two fathers to celebrate! I celebrated my dad from afar since my family lives in Houston. It was very sad not to be home and share in fathers day activities. I love you Dad, and wish I could have been there. But it was also a very special day here in the Williams family.
Today was Adam's first fathers day! I know what ya'll are thinking. No, there are no secret children that we have been hiding. But there is a little baby growing insided of me...
We are pregnent!
We just found out recently by the above home pregnancy test. Yesterday I went to my first OB/GYN appointment and had the news confirmed. It was very welcoming news that I wasn't crazy and making up feeling nauseous. We even have a very small photo for proof. Judging by the strong heartbeat, I think this baby has rhthym:).
Adam, your going to be the most amazing father. This precious baby is so blessed to have a man in its life like you. No more just playing with other peoples kids, we are going to have our own! I can't wait to see you shine as a father.
I love you and the baby will soon love you too!
I have the best "baby daddy" ever!:)
AAHHHHH! What WONDEFUL news! I am just thrilled for you both. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and I can't wait for you to post baby bump pictures! Yay!!!!!
OMG!!!!! Emaily that is so exciting!!! I know that ya'll will have the most precious family in the USA!!!
i can't wait for picture postings :)
love you girl!
what exciting news! CONGRATULATIONS! praying for a wonderful pregnancy--cherish it. :)
Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you! How exciting!
GIRL!!!!!! What wonderful news!! I am sure Adam is thrilled!!! What a wonderful first 'father's day!' :) Next year you will actually be able to hug and kiss that child! Love you and am SO excited for you, sweet girl. You will be a wonderful mother!!!
Congratulations, Emily! That is so exciting!! I hope you are able to enjoy your pregnancy!!
My Emo is going to be a mommy!!! :) That is just thrilling and PRAISE the LORD!!! I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy!
Adam, Can you believe that both of us are soon-to-be fathers - who would of guessed. Lots of laughter in the future :)
Wonderful news, talk to you soon.
Yep. I'm loving and praying for that tiny little thing already.
I can't wait to share in every little joy of this with you guys! We may be doing lots of Skyping when the baby comes!!!
Que buenas noticias! Me alegra muchisimo. Sabes que Jader me dijo las noticias hace semanas! :) Ustedes les dijieron a Lorenzo y Karen verdad? Pues, felizidades!!!!!
I'm so excited for you guys! How beautiful is this baby going to be? beautiful!
Yay!! I'm so excited for you guys!! Such excited news! I don't know if Jenn told you or not, but we're expecting a baby soon also!! I'm about 8 weeks along. So fun!!
Congratulations and you will have such a beautiful family!
Erin Mosier
Congrats. What a blessing.
I just stumbled across your blog. I'm Heather Hendrick's sister in law (don't know if you remember me:).
Anyways, I'm so happy for you guys. And I think it is super cool that the Lord is doing an amazing work in you (read below post:) and now you are pregnant! That is no mistake.
I'll be keeping up with you. I'm 100% sure your children will be gorgeous.
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