This whole blog thing is such a great way to keep people informed. On the other hand, when one is not consistent about blogging then it can be slightly overwhelming to catch everyone up. That is how I’m feeling at the moment. I’m just going to backtrack a few weeks and not rush myself.
Well, my sweet sister Sarah came to visit about three weeks ago I guess. She was our first visitor. We had an absolute blast. She was on break between nursing class courses, and I convinced her to come visit ABQ. I promised beautiful weather, good food, and hopefully good company. Well the first day we had great weather. After picking her up from the airport (first time to go by myself and No I didn’t get lost!! Turns out it is a lot simpler than Houston) and after Adam got home, we drove up the mountain. We live at the base of the Sandia Mountains but neither Adam nor I had been to the crest yet. We all had summer-ish clothes on as it was hot outside. Well, good thing we brought jackets because there was still snow at the different parts of the crest, and it was windy and COLD! But it was a beautiful view! ( see photos at beginning)
Well, my sweet sister Sarah came to visit about three weeks ago I guess. She was our first visitor. We had an absolute blast. She was on break between nursing class courses, and I convinced her to come visit ABQ. I promised beautiful weather, good food, and hopefully good company. Well the first day we had great weather. After picking her up from the airport (first time to go by myself and No I didn’t get lost!! Turns out it is a lot simpler than Houston) and after Adam got home, we drove up the mountain. We live at the base of the Sandia Mountains but neither Adam nor I had been to the crest yet. We all had summer-ish clothes on as it was hot outside. Well, good thing we brought jackets because there was still snow at the different parts of the crest, and it was windy and COLD! But it was a beautiful view! ( see photos at beginning)
Well, I turned out to be a liar because the rest of the week Sarah was here was not “great weather”. It snowed, rained, stormed, and hailed a bit. Yes, in the middle of May! I was completely shocked. We still had a great time. We just hung out, and she did everything I did. We went to the 2-3 grocery stores I go to in order to get the best food prices, we spend two days ironing (I think at this point being a wife overwhelmed Sarah), we cooked, and she helped me organize my bathroom so that both Adam and my stuff fits and I don’t have to get ready in the guest bathroom…yay Sarah! Don’t worry there was plenty of chatting and laughing too. I got to make her my favorite cherry scones for breakfast and make her espresso every morning. I love visitors.
People come visit, and I promise I’ll spoil you! Ya’ll won’t even have to help with the ironing!:) Sarah’s visit was a week of firsts. The house was finally ready for visitors ( a big first), Sarah was our first visitor, we had our first snow in May, and we had our first dinner guests. Our neighbors Rebecca and Tucker came over for dinner with Adam, Sarah, and I. It was the first time our table had ever been completely filled! Rebecca went to Grace Bible at A&M at the same time Sarah did, and they knew each other. How random is that?
I really like Rebecca and Tucker. They both are A&M grads, Tucker works at Sandia as well, and Rebecca just stopped being a bilingual elementary teacher. We have way too much in common. It is a little freaky. It is okay though; Tucker doesn’t have dread locks so we are not complete clones!
People come visit, and I promise I’ll spoil you! Ya’ll won’t even have to help with the ironing!:) Sarah’s visit was a week of firsts. The house was finally ready for visitors ( a big first), Sarah was our first visitor, we had our first snow in May, and we had our first dinner guests. Our neighbors Rebecca and Tucker came over for dinner with Adam, Sarah, and I. It was the first time our table had ever been completely filled! Rebecca went to Grace Bible at A&M at the same time Sarah did, and they knew each other. How random is that?
I really like Rebecca and Tucker. They both are A&M grads, Tucker works at Sandia as well, and Rebecca just stopped being a bilingual elementary teacher. We have way too much in common. It is a little freaky. It is okay though; Tucker doesn’t have dread locks so we are not complete clones!
Sarah also had a couple good ideas of last minute touches for the casa. She helped me decide where to put all the candles. She also had the great idea to use my expresso plates (which are small and say espresso on the sides in cute letters) as candle holders. She also helped me decide to place them on a Nicaragua plate we had and put them on our leather ottoman. I had been waiting to find a circular tray but this is just as cute, at least for now. Yay Sarah!
Thanks for coming to visit Sarah. We loved our time with you! I hope you come back soon sweet sister!!
P.S. To all you blog experts: how do post photos where I want them in my post and not all at the top? Sorry for the disorder. It was the only way I could get the photos to post.
I just typed up a comment but it didn't sad.
I had an amazing time with you & Adam and I am so thankful I got to visit. Your home is such a reflection of y'alls heart to serve others.
You are an amazing wife and I learned so much from you!! I enjoyed every minute I spent with you and it was so fun to do what you do!! Thanks for spoiling me with expresso, scones, and your most amazing white chicken chili!! i hope that I can cook for my husband as well as you do some day!!
I was so blessed by our many are such an encouragement to me!!! I love you sweet sister and I can't wait to visit again!!
love you both,
Sarah :)
:) great to see you blogging.
yeah, the photos popping up at the beginning always bug me. i end up just cutting and pasting the text where i want it. selecting and dragging the photo is a bit trickier with the size of the window they give you to write in.
maybe someone else will post a better way--i'd sure like to know.
oh, and just so you know, this template is a little finicky--sometimes it cuts off the headings. :(
have a great week!
Hi Emily! I found you on Jens blog and I am SO glad. Your apartment is precious and it is so fun to glimpse in to your life! I will back!
Emily,Sweet Emily, I want to be your visitor!!!
I want to eat cherry scones that you made. I want espresso. I want to laugh with you for days in a row!
How do four kids fit into this scenario?
I miss you!
Let's go visit her together!!! Jon & Rusty can take the kiddos! How bout it?
Cute, Cute House!!! Way to go with the deco girls!
Emo I miss you!! I cannot WAIT to talk with you!!!!
Let's Skype soon!
I love you!
Thanks for letting me know about your blog! I was wondering if you guys had one so you answered my question. :) I'm going to add you to my blog list.
The place looks great and sounds so inviting! Emily, you may have all of Living Hope packed in there if you keep blogging! I look forward to seeing you all in Nicaragua!!!!
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