Here are some photos that are a few weeks old but too cute to not be seen! I was a horrible mommy and barely took any photos during our holiday traveling. Josiah saw a BUNCH of family that all got to love on him I just don't have any photos of it...except of him with Tia Anna.
He just loved Tia Anna's scarf and she just loved naked baby Josiah playing with her girly scarf. I didn't have the guts to tell him that boys don't normally play with pinkish scarfs.
Why does pink have to be a girl color anyway? Adam looks GREAT in pink. Girls can wear blue why can't boys wear pink scarfs? Josiah clearly doesn't care about social constructs and is so confidant in his cute boyish baby-ness that he can be naked and wear a pink scarf with a smile and be STYLIN the whole time!
We love you Tia Anna! Josiah loved playing with you and your scarf. By the way, it is super cute!
I am so proud of you, Em! You are doing so good at blogging regularly! And look at that cuteness. Oh, to just hold him again. Love you!
I am trying:) Love you!
And Tia LOVES baby Josiah and his little naked body! I just want to kiss you all over! Tia Anna is so exited that you (Baby Josiah), are so young and innocent and are not tainted my societies' structural norms. One day you will learn the difference between blue and pink and what they represent. Don't be mad at your Tia or your mommy. We were not trying to embarrass you. And yes, Tia Anna will make your mommy take these pictures of her blog if it upsets you later ;) Baby Josiah, you are adorable. Besitos! -- Tia Anna
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